Title |
Author |
Year |
Call # |
Who Is the Devil? |
Corte, Nicolas |
1958 |
235.4/COR/v.21 |
info |
Publisher: |
Hawthorn |
Book #: |
7086 |
Subject: |
Satan; devil |
Note: |
20th C Encyclopedia of Catholicism |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
An Intro to Natural Theology |
Halloway, M. |
1959 |
210/HAL |
info |
Publisher: |
Appleton |
Book #: |
5349 |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
Can Man Be Modified? |
Rostand, J. |
1959 |
215/ROS |
info |
Publisher: |
Basic |
Book #: |
1595 |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
Dear and Glorious Physician |
Caldwell, Taylor |
1959 |
info |
Publisher: |
Doubleday |
Book #: |
10629 |
Subject: |
Luke, St.-- fiction |
Note: |
gift |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
Dialogues |
Gregory the Great |
1959 |
270.2/GRE/v.39 |
info |
Publisher: |
Book #: |
7336 |
Note: |
Fathers of the Church |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
Disciplinary, Moral and Ascetical Works |
Tertullian |
1959 |
270.1/TER/v.40 |
info |
Publisher: |
Book #: |
7340 |
Note: |
Fathers of the Church |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
Evolution |
Collins, Remy |
1959 |
575/COL/v.30 |
info |
Publisher: |
Hawthorn |
Book #: |
7050 |
Subject: |
Evolution |
Note: |
20th C Encyclopedia of Catholicism |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
Free Speech in the Church |
Rahner, Karl |
1959 |
273/RAH |
info |
Publisher: |
Sheed & Ward |
Book #: |
5121 |
Note: |
giftjd 82 pp. |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
In Every War but One |
Kinkead, E. |
1959 |
170/KIN |
info |
Publisher: |
Norton |
Book #: |
1273 |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
Man's Search for Meaning |
Frankl, Victor E. |
1959 |
190/FRA |
info |
Publisher: |
Pocket |
Book #: |
9862 |
Subject: |
Personal well-being |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
My First Seventy Years |
Madeleva, M. |
1959 |
info |
Publisher: |
MacMillan |
Book #: |
1078 |
Subject: |
Madeleva, Sr. M. |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
Saint Jean-Marie Vianney: Cure of Ars |
Trouncer, Margaret |
1959 |
info |
Publisher: |
Sheed & Ward |
Book #: |
1077 |
Subject: |
Vianney, Jean-Marie, Saint |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
Saints for Boys and Girls |
Beebe, Catherine |
1959 |
info |
Publisher: |
Bruce |
Book #: |
1720 |
Subject: |
Saints |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
The Bride: Essays on the Church |
Berrigan, Daniel |
1959 |
260/BER |
info |
Publisher: |
MacMillan |
Book #: |
1150 |
Subject: |
Catholic Church |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
The Faith of Modern Man |
Guardini, Romano |
1959 |
239/GUA |
info |
Publisher: |
Pantheon |
Book #: |
6088 |
Note: |
giftrosenaur |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
The History of the Mass |
Amiot, Francois |
1959 |
264.02/AMI/v.110 |
info |
Publisher: |
Hawthorn |
Book #: |
7132 |
Subject: |
Liturgy; Mass - history |
Note: |
20th C Encyclopedia of Catholicism |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
The Mass of the Roman Rite |
Jungmann, Joseph |
1959 |
264/JUN |
info |
Publisher: |
Benziger |
Book #: |
2277 |
Subject: |
Liturgy |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
The Problem of Evil |
Petit, Francois |
1959 |
216/PET/v.20 |
info |
Publisher: |
Hawthorn |
Book #: |
7039 |
Subject: |
Good and evil |
Note: |
20th Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
The Secular Journal of Thomas Merton |
Merton, Thomas |
1959 |
info |
Publisher: |
Farrar, Straus & Cudahy |
Book #: |
1008 |
Subject: |
Merton, Thomas |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
The Theology of Grace |
Daujat, Jean |
1959 |
234/DAU/v.23 |
info |
Publisher: |
Hawthorn |
Book #: |
7056 |
Subject: |
Grace (theology) |
Note: |
20th C Encyclopedia of Catholicism |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
The Worship of God |
Philippe, M. D. |
1959 |
248.3/PHI/v.16 |
info |
Publisher: |
Hawthorn |
Book #: |
7042 |
Note: |
20th Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
What Is Life? |
Biot, Rene |
1959 |
574/BIO/v.32 |
info |
Publisher: |
Hawthorn |
Book #: |
7048 |
Subject: |
Life |
Note: |
20th C Encyclopedia of Catholicism |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
What Is the Trinity? |
Piault, Bernard |
1959 |
231/PIA/v.17 |
info |
Publisher: |
Hawthorn |
Book #: |
7041 |
Subject: |
Trinity - history of doctrines |
Note: |
20th C Encyclopedia of Catholicism |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
Book of Mary |
Daniel-Rops, Henri |
1960 |
232.931/DAN |
info |
Publisher: |
Hawthorn |
Book #: |
1655 |
Subject: |
Mary, Blessed Virgin |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
checked out |
Commentary on St. John the Apostle and Evangelist: Homilies 48-88 |
Chrysostom, John, St. |
1960 |
270.2/CHR/v.41 |
info |
Publisher: |
Book #: |
7341 |
Subject: |
John Chrysostom, St. |
Note: |
Fathers of the Church |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
Disputed Questions |
Merton, Thomas |
1960 |
242/MER |
info |
Publisher: |
Farrar, Straus and Cudahy |
Book #: |
3128 |
Subject: |
Social ethics; Spiritual life |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
Freedom and Providence |
Pontifex, Mark |
1960 |
233/PON/v.22 |
info |
Publisher: |
Hawthorn |
Book #: |
7057 |
Note: |
20th C Encyclopedia of Catholicism |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
God and the Scientist, God of Experiment |
Chauvin, R. |
1960 |
231/CHA |
info |
Publisher: |
Helicon |
Book #: |
2661 |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
Life After Death |
Becque, Maurice |
1960 |
236/BEC/v.28 |
info |
Publisher: |
Hawthorn |
Book #: |
7052 |
Subject: |
Death |
Note: |
20th C Encyclopedia of Catholicism |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |
Medieval Christian Philosophy |
Delhaye, Phillipe |
1960 |
270.5/DEL/v.12 |
info |
Publisher: |
Hawthorn |
Book #: |
7045 |
Subject: |
Philosophy-- Christian |
Note: |
20th Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism |
Media Type: |
book |
Availability: |
not checked out |